Current computer science news

Here are some current computer science news and developments:

Artificial Intelligence

  1. Google's AI beats human professionals in medical diagnosis: Google's AI algorithm has been trained to diagnose breast cancer as accurately as human radiologists, according to a study published in the journal Nature Medicine.
  2. Facebook's AI can generate realistic fake videos: Facebook's AI researchers have developed an algorithm that can generate realistic fake videos of people doing things they never actually did.
  3. AI-powered chatbots are becoming more human-like: Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have developed an AI-powered chatbot that can have conversations with humans that are almost indistinguishable from those with a human.


  1. New malware targets Windows 10 users: A new malware strain has been discovered that targets Windows 10 users and can steal sensitive information, including login credentials and credit card numbers.
  2. Google patches critical Chrome vulnerability: Google has patched a critical vulnerability in its Chrome browser that could have allowed hackers to take control of users' computers.
  3. AI-powered cybersecurity tools are becoming more effective: Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, have developed an AI-powered cybersecurity tool that can detect and prevent cyber attacks more effectively than traditional methods.

Data Science and Analytics

  1. New data analytics platform for healthcare: A new data analytics platform has been launched to help healthcare providers analyze and make sense of large amounts of patient data.
  2. Google's BigQuery now supports machine learning: Google's BigQuery data analytics platform now supports machine learning, allowing users to build and deploy machine learning models directly in the cloud.
  3. Data science platform for non-technical users: A new data science platform has been launched that allows non-technical users to analyze and visualize data without needing to write code.

Cloud Computing

  1. AWS launches new cloud region in the Middle East: Amazon Web Services (AWS) has launched a new cloud region in the Middle East, providing customers in the region with access to AWS services.
  2. Microsoft launches new cloud-based AI platform: Microsoft has launched a new cloud-based AI platform that allows developers to build and deploy AI-powered applications.
  3. Google Cloud launches new machine learning platform: Google Cloud has launched a new machine learning platform that allows developers to build and deploy machine learning models directly in the cloud.

Internet of Things (IoT)

  1. New IoT platform for industrial automation: A new IoT platform has been launched to help industrial companies automate and optimize their operations.
  2. Google's IoT platform now supports machine learning: Google's IoT platform now supports machine learning, allowing developers to build and deploy AI-powered IoT applications.
  3. IoT security concerns are growing: A new report has highlighted the growing concerns around IoT security, with many devices vulnerable to hacking and data breaches.

Other News

  1. New programming language for blockchain development: A new programming language has been launched specifically for blockchain development, aiming to make it easier for developers to build blockchain applications.
  2. Researchers develop new quantum computing algorithm: Researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara, have developed a new quantum computing algorithm that could solve complex problems more efficiently than traditional computers.
  3. New computer chip could revolutionize computing: A new computer chip has been developed that could revolutionize computing by allowing for faster and more efficient processing of data.

These are just a few examples of the many exciting developments in computer science. I hope you find them interesting!