Current career news

Here are some current career news and trends:

Job Market Trends:

  1. Remote work on the rise: According to a Gallup survey, 43% of employed adults are working remotely at least some of the time, up from 31% in 2015.
  2. Skills gap persists: A report by the World Economic Forum estimates that by 2022, more than a third of the desired skills for most jobs will be comprised of skills that are not yet considered crucial to the job today.
  3. Gig economy growth: The gig economy is expected to continue growing, with 43% of the US workforce expected to be freelancing by 2025, according to a report by Upwork.

Industry Insights:

  1. Tech industry growth: The tech industry is expected to continue growing, with a projected 3.5% annual growth rate through 2025, according to a report by CompTIA.
  2. Healthcare industry trends: The healthcare industry is shifting towards value-based care, with a focus on patient outcomes and cost savings. Telemedicine and digital health technologies are also on the rise.
  3. Sustainability and environmental careers: With increasing concerns about climate change, careers in sustainability and environmental fields are becoming more in-demand, including roles in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and environmental consulting.

Career Development:

  1. Lifelong learning: With the rapid pace of technological change, lifelong learning is becoming increasingly important. Many companies are offering training and development programs to help employees upskill and reskill.
  2. Soft skills in demand: Soft skills such as communication, collaboration, and problem-solving are becoming more important in the workplace, as automation and AI take over more routine tasks.
  3. Diversity and inclusion: Companies are prioritizing diversity and inclusion in the workplace, with many implementing programs to attract and retain diverse talent.

Salary and Benefits:

  1. Salary increases: According to a report by Glassdoor, the average salary increase in the US is expected to be 3.5% in 2023.
  2. Benefits packages: Companies are offering more comprehensive benefits packages, including flexible work arrangements, mental health support, and student loan repayment assistance.
  3. Wellness and self-care: With increasing focus on employee well-being, companies are offering wellness programs, including mental health days, fitness classes, and on-site wellness centers.

These are just a few of the current career news and trends.