Current applied geophysics job vacancy in new zealand

Here are some current applied geophysics job vacancies in New Zealand:

1. Senior Geophysicist - GNS Science (Wellington, NZ) Job Type: Full-time Job Description: Lead a team of geophysicists to conduct research and provide expert advice on geophysical surveys, data analysis, and interpretation for various projects. Apply on GNS Science website

2. Geophysicist - Boffa Miskell (Auckland, NZ) Job Type: Full-time Job Description: Conduct geophysical surveys, data analysis, and interpretation for various projects, including environmental monitoring, infrastructure development, and natural resource exploration. Apply on Boffa Miskell website

3. Geophysical Consultant - GroundProbe (Auckland, NZ) Job Type: Full-time Job Description: Conduct geophysical surveys, data analysis, and interpretation for various projects, including infrastructure development, environmental monitoring, and natural resource exploration. Apply on GroundProbe website

4. Geophysicist - Golder Associates (Auckland, NZ) Job Type: Full-time Job Description: Conduct geophysical surveys, data analysis, and interpretation for various projects, including environmental monitoring, infrastructure development, and natural resource exploration. Apply on Golder Associates website

5. Research Geophysicist - University of Auckland (Auckland, NZ) Job Type: Fixed-term (2 years) Job Description: Conduct research in geophysics, including data analysis, interpretation, and publication of results. Collaborate with other researchers and industry partners. Apply on University of Auckland website

6. Geophysicist - Tonkin + Taylor (Wellington, NZ) Job Type: Full-time Job Description: Conduct geophysical surveys, data analysis, and interpretation for various projects, including environmental monitoring, infrastructure development, and natural resource exploration. Apply on Tonkin + Taylor website

Please note that these job vacancies may have changed or been filled since my knowledge cutoff. I recommend checking the company websites or job boards for the latest information.