Currency of a news means

In the context of news, "currency" refers to the popularity or relevance of a particular topic or story. In other words, it's a measure of how much attention or interest a story is generating among the public, media, and other stakeholders.

In the news industry, currency can be measured in various ways, such as:

  1. Page views or website traffic: The number of people visiting a news website or reading a specific article.
  2. Social media engagement: The number of likes, shares, comments, and other interactions on social media platforms related to a particular story.
  3. Search engine rankings: The position of a news article or website in search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords.
  4. Media coverage: The number of other news outlets that are covering a particular story or topic.
  5. Public opinion polls: The level of public interest or concern about a particular issue or topic.

Having "currency" in the news means that a story is:

In the digital age, currency is often measured by metrics such as clicks, views, and shares, which can be tracked and analyzed using various tools and platforms.