Curevac working on coronavirus vaccine denies trump offered money

CureVac, a German biotech company, has been working on a coronavirus vaccine and has denied reports that President Trump offered them money to develop a vaccine.

According to a report by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, CureVac received a letter from the White House in July offering to provide funding for the development of a coronavirus vaccine. However, the company has denied receiving any such offer.

In a statement, CureVac said: "We have not received any offer or funding from the White House or any other government agency to develop a coronavirus vaccine. We are committed to developing a vaccine against COVID-19 and are working closely with international partners to achieve this goal."

The company added that it is focused on developing a vaccine that is safe and effective, and that it is working with regulatory authorities to ensure that the vaccine meets the necessary standards.

It's worth noting that the Trump administration has been criticized for its handling of the pandemic, including its response to the spread of the virus and its efforts to develop a vaccine. The administration has faced criticism for its slow response to the outbreak, as well as its decision to cut funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other public health agencies.

In recent weeks, there have been reports of tensions between the Trump administration and the CDC over the agency's handling of the pandemic. The CDC has been criticized for its slow response to the outbreak, as well as its decision to cut funding for the agency.

It's unclear why the White House would offer funding to CureVac, but it's possible that the administration is trying to curry favor with the company or to gain access to its technology.