Curency of news means

In the context of news, "currency" refers to the timeliness and relevance of the information being reported. In other words, currency of news refers to how up-to-date and fresh the news is.

In the news industry, currency is an important consideration because it affects the value and usefulness of the information being reported. News that is old or outdated may not be as relevant or interesting to readers, and may even be less credible.

There are several factors that can affect the currency of news, including:

  1. Time: News that is reported quickly and accurately is more likely to be considered current and relevant.
  2. Relevance: News that is relevant to the audience is more likely to be considered current and relevant.
  3. Context: News that is reported in context, with background information and analysis, is more likely to be considered current and relevant.
  4. Sources: News that is reported from credible and reliable sources is more likely to be considered current and relevant.

In general, currency of news is important because it helps to ensure that readers receive accurate and timely information that is relevant to their interests and needs.