Culture of peace news network

The Culture of Peace News Network (CPNN) is a global online news network that aims to promote and disseminate news and information about the Culture of Peace, a concept that was adopted by the United Nations in 1999.

The CPNN was launched in 2001 by the UNESCO Chair on Peace Education at the University of Grenoble, France, in collaboration with the United Nations Department of Public Information. The network is dedicated to promoting peace, tolerance, and understanding among nations and peoples, and to providing a platform for sharing news, articles, and resources on peace-related issues.

The CPNN features a wide range of news and information on topics such as:

  1. Peace education: News and resources on peace education initiatives, programs, and research.
  2. Conflict resolution: News and resources on conflict resolution, mediation, and peacebuilding.
  3. Human rights: News and resources on human rights, including reports, statements, and advocacy efforts.
  4. Sustainable development: News and resources on sustainable development, including environmental, social, and economic issues.
  5. Culture of peace: News and resources on the Culture of Peace, including articles, videos, and events.
  6. Peace and security: News and resources on peace and security, including disarmament, arms control, and non-proliferation.
  7. Youth and peace: News and resources on youth and peace, including initiatives, programs, and research.

The CPNN also features a section on "Good News" which highlights positive stories and initiatives from around the world that promote peace, tolerance, and understanding.

The network is open to anyone who wants to contribute to the promotion of peace and the Culture of Peace, and it provides a platform for individuals, organizations, and governments to share their news, articles, and resources.

Some of the key features of the CPNN include:

  1. News and articles: The CPNN features a wide range of news and articles on peace-related topics, including reports, statements, and opinion pieces.
  2. Resources: The CPNN provides a wide range of resources, including books, articles, videos, and websites, on peace-related topics.
  3. Events: The CPNN features a calendar of events related to peace and the Culture of Peace, including conferences, workshops, and exhibitions.
  4. Discussion forum: The CPNN has a discussion forum where users can share their thoughts, opinions, and ideas on peace-related topics.
  5. Newsletter: The CPNN sends out a monthly newsletter that summarizes the latest news and articles on the network.

Overall, the Culture of Peace News Network is a valuable resource for anyone interested in promoting peace, tolerance, and understanding around the world.