Cultural background of the new testament pdf

Here is a PDF on the cultural background of the New Testament:

The Cultural Background of the New Testament


The New Testament was written in a specific cultural and historical context that is essential to understanding its meaning and significance. The first-century Mediterranean world was a complex and diverse place, shaped by a variety of cultural, social, and economic factors. This PDF will provide an overview of the cultural background of the New Testament, highlighting key aspects of the world in which it was written.

The Roman Empire

The Roman Empire was the dominant power in the Mediterranean world during the 1st century AD. The empire was characterized by:

Jewish Culture

Jewish culture played a significant role in the background of the New Testament. Key aspects of Jewish culture during this period included:

Greek Culture

Greek culture had a significant impact on the Mediterranean world, including the Jewish community. Key aspects of Greek culture during this period included:

Social Structure

The social structure of the Mediterranean world was complex and hierarchical. Key aspects of social structure during this period included:


The economy of the Mediterranean world was based on trade, commerce, and agriculture. Key aspects of the economy during this period included:


The cultural background of the New Testament is complex and multifaceted, shaped by a variety of cultural, social, and economic factors. Understanding this background is essential for interpreting the New Testament and its significance for the modern world.


I hope this PDF is helpful!