Cts new sunday missal 2

The new Sunday Missal!

The "New Sunday Missal" is a popular Catholic prayer book that contains the prayers and readings for Sundays and holy days throughout the year. Here's what you can expect to find in a typical edition:


  1. Sunday Mass Readings: The New Sunday Missal includes the readings for Sundays and holy days, including the Old Testament reading, Psalm, Second Reading, and Gospel.
  2. Prayers and Responses: The book includes the prayers and responses that are said during the Mass, such as the Penitential Rite, the Gloria, the Creed, and the Prayers of the Faithful.
  3. Order of Mass: The New Sunday Missal provides the Order of Mass, which outlines the structure and sequence of the Mass.
  4. Prayers and Devotions: The book includes additional prayers and devotions, such as the Our Father, Hail Mary, and other popular Catholic prayers.
  5. Holy Days and Feasts: The New Sunday Missal includes the prayers and readings for holy days and feasts throughout the year.


  1. Easy-to-Read Format: The book is designed with a clear and easy-to-read format, making it simple to follow along during Mass.
  2. Convenient Size: The New Sunday Missal is a compact book that fits easily into a purse, backpack, or pocket.
  3. Durable Binding: The book has a sturdy binding that can withstand regular use.
  4. Beautiful Typography: The text is set in a beautiful, easy-to-read font that makes it a pleasure to use.


  1. Helps with Participation: The New Sunday Missal helps you participate more fully in the Mass by providing the prayers and readings in one convenient book.
  2. Convenient Reference: The book is a valuable reference for Catholics who want to review the prayers and readings for Sundays and holy days.
  3. Beautiful Reflections: The book includes beautiful reflections and commentary on the readings and prayers, which can help deepen your understanding and appreciation of the Mass.

Overall, the New Sunday Missal is a wonderful resource for Catholics who want to deepen their understanding and participation in the Mass.