Css4 new features

CSS4 is still a working draft, but it introduces several new features and improvements to the language. Here are some of the notable new features in CSS4:

  1. Variables: CSS4 introduces a new way to define and use variables, making it easier to manage and reuse styles.
  2. Custom Properties: Custom properties allow you to define your own properties and values, which can be used throughout your CSS code.
  3. Improved Selectors: CSS4 introduces new selectors, such as the :not() pseudo-class, which allows you to target elements that do not match a specific selector.
  4. Grid Layout: CSS4 introduces a new grid layout system, which allows you to create complex grid-based layouts with ease.
  5. Flexbox: CSS4 improves the flexbox layout system, adding new features such as flex-wrap and justify-content.
  6. Multi-column Layout: CSS4 introduces a new multi-column layout system, which allows you to create layouts with multiple columns.
  7. Improved Support for Internationalization: CSS4 introduces new features to support internationalization, such as the lang attribute and the direction property.
  8. Improved Support for Accessibility: CSS4 introduces new features to improve accessibility, such as the aria-* attributes and the role property.
  9. New Pseudo-Classes: CSS4 introduces new pseudo-classes, such as :focus-within and :invalid, which allow you to target specific states of an element.
  10. Improved Support for Media Queries: CSS4 introduces new features to improve support for media queries, such as the min-width and max-width properties.
  11. New Units: CSS4 introduces new units, such as the ch unit, which represents the width of a character.
  12. Improved Support for Fonts: CSS4 introduces new features to improve support for fonts, such as the font-variant property and the font-feature-settings property.
  13. New Background Properties: CSS4 introduces new background properties, such as the background-blend-mode property and the background-size property.
  14. Improved Support for Images: CSS4 introduces new features to improve support for images, such as the object-fit property and the object-position property.
  15. New Transition and Animation Properties: CSS4 introduces new transition and animation properties, such as the transition-delay property and the animation-fill-mode property.

Some of the notable changes in CSS4 include:

Keep in mind that CSS4 is still a working draft, and some of these features may change or be removed before the final release.