Csos write nhrc to intervene over alleged bills contravening citizens rights

Here is a draft letter:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) NHRC Bhawan, Zanana Park New Delhi - 110002

Subject: Request for Intervention in Alleged Bills Contravening Citizens' Rights

Respected Chairperson,

I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of grave concern regarding alleged bills that contravene the fundamental rights of citizens. As a concerned citizen, I am compelled to seek the intervention of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to ensure that the rights of citizens are protected and respected.

The alleged bills in question are [briefly describe the bills and their alleged contravention of citizens' rights]. These bills, if enacted, would have far-reaching consequences on the lives of citizens, particularly [identify specific groups or communities that would be disproportionately affected]. The proposed legislation would [briefly explain how the bills would contravene citizens' rights].

As you are aware, the Constitution of India guarantees certain fundamental rights to all citizens, including the right to life, liberty, and dignity. The alleged bills, if enacted, would undermine these fundamental rights and create a hostile environment for citizens. It is imperative that the NHRC intervenes to ensure that the rights of citizens are protected and respected.

I request the NHRC to take the following steps:

  1. Conduct a thorough investigation into the alleged bills and their potential impact on citizens' rights.
  2. Issue a notice to the government to explain the rationale behind the proposed legislation and its compliance with the Constitution and human rights standards.
  3. Hold public hearings to gather evidence and hear the concerns of affected citizens.
  4. Make recommendations to the government to ensure that the proposed legislation is revised to comply with human rights standards and the Constitution.

I believe that the NHRC has a critical role to play in ensuring that the rights of citizens are protected and respected. I urge you to take immediate action to address this matter and ensure that the rights of citizens are protected.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response.


[Your Name]