Csos mdas asks senate to withdraw anti social media bill

I think there may be a small mistake in your question. CSOs stands for Civil Society Organizations, not "csos" which is not a recognized abbreviation.

To answer your question, it is possible that Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Malaysia, represented by the Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), may have asked the Senate to withdraw the Anti-Social Media Bill.

The Anti-Social Media Bill, also known as the "Anti-Fake News Bill", was introduced in the Malaysian Parliament in 2018. The bill aimed to regulate online content and prevent the spread of fake news. However, the bill was widely criticized by civil society organizations, media groups, and human rights advocates, who argued that it would stifle freedom of speech and expression.

In response to these concerns, CSOs in Malaysia, including MDEC, may have requested the Senate to withdraw the bill or make significant amendments to ensure that it does not infringe on the rights of citizens to express themselves online.

It's worth noting that the bill was eventually passed by the Malaysian Parliament in 2018, but it has been criticized by many for its potential to be used to suppress dissenting voices and limit freedom of speech.