Crystal reports subreport starts from half on new page

A classic Crystal Reports issue!

When a subreport starts from the middle of a page, it's usually due to the way Crystal Reports handles page breaks and layout. Here are some possible solutions to help you fix this issue:

  1. Set the subreport's CanGrow property: In the Subreport's properties, set the CanGrow property to True. This allows the subreport to expand to fill the available space on the page.
  2. Set the subreport's CanShrink property: In the Subreport's properties, set the CanShrink property to True. This allows the subreport to shrink to fit the available space on the page.
  3. Use the NewPageBefore property: In the Subreport's properties, set the NewPageBefore property to True. This will force the subreport to start on a new page.
  4. Use the NewPageAfter property: In the Subreport's properties, set the NewPageAfter property to True. This will force the subreport to start on a new page after the previous section.
  5. Check the subreport's page break settings: In the Subreport's properties, go to the Page Break tab and ensure that the Page Break option is set to None or After Last Record. This will prevent the subreport from starting in the middle of a page.
  6. Use a page break object: Insert a page break object (e.g., a Page Break object) before the subreport to force a new page.
  7. Check the main report's page break settings: Ensure that the main report's page break settings are not causing the subreport to start in the middle of a page.
  8. Use a custom formula to control page breaks: You can create a custom formula to control page breaks in the subreport. For example, you can use the OnNewPage event to check if the subreport should start on a new page.
  9. Check for overlapping sections: If you have multiple sections in your report, ensure that they don't overlap. Overlapping sections can cause the subreport to start in the middle of a page.
  10. Try re-arranging the report's layout: Sometimes, re-arranging the report's layout can help resolve the issue. Try moving the subreport to a different location in the report or adjusting the report's margins.

If none of these solutions work, please provide more details about your report, including the Crystal Reports version, the data source, and the specific layout and design of your report.