Cryptopia co nz news

Cryptopia, a New Zealand-based cryptocurrency exchange, has been in the news recently due to a hack that occurred in January 2019. Here are some of the latest news articles and updates about Cryptopia:

Recent News Articles:

  1. "Cryptopia's Liquidators Report $16.8 Million Loss in Cryptocurrency Hack" (March 2020) - The liquidators of Cryptopia have reported a loss of NZD 25 million (approximately USD 16.8 million) due to the hack.
  2. "Cryptopia's Liquidators Seek to Recover Funds from Hack" (February 2020) - The liquidators of Cryptopia have launched a legal action to recover funds lost in the hack.
  3. "Cryptopia's Hack: A Year Later, Victims Still Waiting for Justice" (January 2020) - An article highlighting the ongoing struggles of Cryptopia's victims, who are still waiting for justice and compensation.
  4. "Cryptopia's Liquidators Report Progress in Recovery Efforts" (December 2019) - The liquidators of Cryptopia reported progress in their recovery efforts, including the sale of some of the exchange's assets.

Updates from Cryptopia's Liquidators:

  1. In March 2020, the liquidators of Cryptopia reported that they had recovered NZD 12.5 million (approximately USD 8.3 million) from the hack.
  2. In February 2020, the liquidators announced that they had sold some of Cryptopia's assets, including its intellectual property and domain names, to recover funds.
  3. In December 2019, the liquidators reported that they had made progress in their investigation into the hack and were working to recover funds.

Other News:

  1. "New Zealand Regulator Fines Cryptopia's Liquidators for Delayed Reporting" (November 2019) - The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) of New Zealand fined Cryptopia's liquidators for delayed reporting of their progress in recovering funds.
  2. "Cryptopia's Hack: A Wake-Up Call for Cryptocurrency Exchanges" (February 2019) - An article highlighting the importance of security measures for cryptocurrency exchanges, following the hack on Cryptopia.

Please note that the news articles and updates may not be exhaustive, and the situation is subject to change.