Crusader insurance new name

Crusader Insurance is a well-established insurance company in the UK, and it's not uncommon for companies to rebrand or change their names over time. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Allianz Insurance: In 2019, Crusader Insurance was acquired by Allianz, a global insurance and financial services company. As a result, Crusader Insurance may have rebranded as Allianz Insurance, although this is not officially confirmed.
  2. Allianz Partners: Another possibility is that Crusader Insurance has rebranded as Allianz Partners, which is a global brand that offers a range of insurance products and services, including travel, health, and home insurance.
  3. ECCO Insurance: In 2020, Crusader Insurance was rebranded as ECCO Insurance, which is a trading name of Allianz Insurance. ECCO Insurance offers a range of insurance products, including car, home, and travel insurance.

Please note that these are just possibilities, and the actual new name of Crusader Insurance may be different. If you're looking for the most up-to-date information, I recommend checking the company's official website or contacting their customer service directly.