Crs score 460 news

A CRs score of 460 is a significant achievement! Here are some news articles and updates that you might find interesting:

News Articles:

  1. Business Insider: "GMAT scores: What's a good score? Here's what you need to know" - This article provides an overview of the GMAT scoring system and what a good score is. With a CRs score of 460, you're well above the average score of 550.
  2. Forbes: "The Top 10 Business Schools For GMAT Scores" - This article highlights the top business schools for GMAT scores. With a CRs score of 460, you're likely to be competitive for many top-tier business schools.
  3. Poets & Quants: "GMAT Scores: What's The Average Score For Top Business Schools?" - This article provides an overview of the average GMAT scores for top business schools. With a CRs score of 460, you're likely to be above the average score for many top business schools.

Updates and Insights:

  1. CRs Score Range: A CRs score of 460 falls within the 75th percentile of GMAT scores. This means that you're in the top 25% of test-takers.
  2. Admissions Chances: With a CRs score of 460, you have a strong chance of getting accepted into many top business schools. However, it's essential to consider other factors such as your undergraduate GPA, work experience, and essays.
  3. Score Improvement: If you're looking to improve your CRs score, consider taking a GMAT prep course or working with a tutor to identify areas for improvement.

Remember, a CRs score of 460 is a significant achievement, and you should be proud of your hard work and dedication. Good luck with your business school applications!