Crossing papua new guinea to australia by boat

What an adventure! Crossing Papua New Guinea (PNG) to Australia by boat is a challenging and exciting journey. Here's a general overview to help you prepare:

Distance and Route: The distance from PNG to Australia is approximately 1,500 nautical miles (2,778 kilometers). The most common route is from the northern coast of PNG to the northern coast of Australia, passing through the Torres Strait.

Boat Types: You can use a variety of boats for this journey, including:

  1. Sailing yachts: Ideal for experienced sailors who enjoy the thrill of navigating through open waters.
  2. Powerboats: Suitable for those who prefer a faster and more comfortable ride.
  3. Catamarans: A popular choice for their stability and spacious living areas.
  4. Monohulls: A more traditional sailing boat option.


  1. Experience and skills: Ensure you have sufficient sailing or boating experience, especially in open waters.
  2. Weather forecasting: Study the weather patterns in the region, including the monsoon season, which can make navigation challenging.
  3. Safety equipment: Carry essential safety gear, such as life jackets, flares, and a first-aid kit.
  4. Communication: Invest in a reliable communication device, such as a satellite phone or a VHF radio.
  5. Provisioning: Stock up on food, water, and fuel for the duration of your journey.
  6. Papua New Guinea regulations: Familiarize yourself with PNG's regulations and requirements for foreign vessels.
  7. Australian regulations: Understand the regulations and requirements for entering Australian waters.


  1. Weather: The Torres Strait can be prone to strong winds, rough seas, and unpredictable weather patterns.
  2. Currents: The currents in the Torres Strait can be strong, making navigation challenging.
  3. Shallow waters: The waters in the Torres Strait are relatively shallow, requiring careful navigation to avoid grounding.
  4. Remote areas: The journey takes you through remote areas with limited communication and medical facilities.
  5. Cultural differences: Be respectful of the local cultures and customs in PNG and Australia.

Tips and Recommendations:

  1. Join a flotilla: Consider joining a flotilla of boats for added safety and camaraderie.
  2. Hire a local guide: Engage a local guide or pilot to assist with navigation and provide valuable insights.
  3. Plan for contingencies: Be prepared for unexpected events, such as mechanical issues or bad weather.
  4. Stay informed: Monitor weather forecasts and stay up-to-date with any changes in regulations or safety advisories.
  5. Enjoy the journey: Take time to appreciate the stunning natural beauty and unique cultural experiences along the way.

Remember to always prioritize safety and be prepared for the challenges that come with crossing Papua New Guinea to Australia by boat. Happy sailing!