Cross river state new

Cross River State! Located in the southeastern part of Nigeria, Cross River State is a beautiful state with a rich cultural heritage and natural attractions. Here are some interesting facts and attractions about Cross River State:

Capital: Calabar

Population: Approximately 3.2 million people

Language: Efik, Ibibio, and Annang are the main languages spoken in the state

Cultural Significance: Cross River State is known for its rich cultural heritage, with a blend of traditional and modern practices. The state is home to the Efik people, who are known for their expertise in woodcarving and traditional medicine.

Natural Attractions:

  1. Obudu Plateau: A scenic mountain plateau with stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
  2. Kwa Falls: A beautiful waterfall located in the Oban Hills.
  3. Calabar National Park: A protected area with diverse flora and fauna, including monkeys, antelopes, and birds.
  4. Afi River: A scenic river that flows through the state and offers opportunities for fishing and boating.

Economic Activities:

  1. Agriculture: Cross River State is a major producer of crops such as cassava, yams, and plantains.
  2. Forestry: The state has significant forests, which provide timber and other forest products.
  3. Tourism: The state's natural attractions and cultural heritage make it a popular destination for tourists.

Notable Events:

  1. Calabar Carnival: An annual festival that showcases the state's cultural heritage and attracts visitors from around the world.
  2. Cross River State Festival: A celebration of the state's cultural diversity, featuring traditional music, dance, and food.


  1. Infrastructure: The state's infrastructure, including roads and healthcare facilities, is in need of improvement.
  2. Poverty: Cross River State has a high poverty rate, which affects the livelihoods of many residents.

Overall, Cross River State is a beautiful and culturally rich state with a lot to offer. While it faces some challenges, it has the potential to become a major tourist destination and economic hub in Nigeria.