Cross over to a new month prayer point

Here's a prayer point for crossing over to a new month:

Prayer Point:

"Dear Heavenly Father, as we cross over into a new month, I come before You with gratitude for the blessings You've bestowed upon me in the past month. I thank You for Your faithfulness and provision in my life.

As we step into this new month, I ask that You would continue to guide and direct me. Help me to stay focused on Your plans and purposes for my life. Give me wisdom and discernment to make decisions that align with Your will.

I pray that this new month would be a time of growth, renewal, and refreshment for me. Help me to let go of any baggage or negative patterns that may be holding me back, and give me the strength to press forward in faith.

May this new month be a time of increased joy, peace, and prosperity in my life. May I be a light to those around me, and may Your love and presence be evident in every area of my life.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen."

Scripture Reference:


As we cross over into a new month, take some time to reflect on the past month. What were some of the highlights and challenges you faced? What did you learn about yourself and your relationship with God? What are you grateful for?

As you look to the new month, what are your hopes and dreams? What are you seeking to accomplish or achieve? Take some time to pray and seek God's guidance and direction for your life.

Remember that every new month is an opportunity for a fresh start, a chance to begin again and to pursue God's plans and purposes for your life. May this new month be a time of blessing and favor for you!