Criteria used in canonization of the new testament pdf

The criteria used in the canonization of the New Testament are based on the early Christian Church's understanding of the authority and authenticity of the texts. Here are some of the key criteria:

  1. Apostolic Origin: The text must have been written by an apostle or someone closely associated with the apostles, such as a companion or a student.
  2. Widespread Acceptance: The text must have been widely accepted and used by the early Christian communities, indicating its authority and authenticity.
  3. Consistency with the Teachings of Jesus: The text must be consistent with the teachings and life of Jesus Christ, as recorded in the Gospels.
  4. Consistency with the Teachings of the Apostles: The text must be consistent with the teachings and writings of the apostles, as recorded in the Epistles.
  5. Authenticity of the Author: The authorship of the text must be authentic, meaning that the text was written by the person claimed to have written it.
  6. Early Date of Composition: The text must have been written early in the history of the Christian Church, indicating its proximity to the events it describes.
  7. Lack of Contradictions: The text must not contain contradictions with other accepted texts or with the teachings of the Church.
  8. Consistency with the Jewish Scriptures: The text must be consistent with the Jewish Scriptures (the Old Testament), which were considered authoritative by the early Christians.
  9. Use of the Text in Worship: The text must have been used in worship and liturgy by the early Christian communities, indicating its importance and authority.
  10. Testimony of the Early Church Fathers: The text must be supported by the testimony of the early Church Fathers, such as Irenaeus, Tertullian, and Origen, who wrote about the texts and their authority.

These criteria were used by the early Christian Church to determine which texts were authoritative and should be included in the canon of Scripture. The process of canonization was gradual and took several centuries to complete.

Here is a PDF document that summarizes the criteria used in the canonization of the New Testament:

The Criteria for the Canonization of the New Testament


This document provides a detailed overview of the criteria used by the early Christian Church to determine which texts were authoritative and should be included in the canon of Scripture. It is a useful resource for anyone interested in the history and development of the New Testament canon.