Cristiano ronaldo new contract deal

Cristiano Ronaldo's new contract deal!

As of now, Cristiano Ronaldo has signed a new contract with Manchester United, extending his stay at the club until 2025. Here are the key details:

Contract Length: 2 years (until June 2025)

Salary: Reportedly increased to £25 million (approximately $33 million) per year, making him one of the highest-paid players in the world.

Release Clause: The contract includes a release clause, which allows Ronaldo to leave the club if a buyer matches his release fee, believed to be around £200 million (approximately $260 million).

Performance Bonuses: Ronaldo will receive performance-based bonuses, which could add up to an additional £10 million (approximately $13 million) per year.

Role: Ronaldo will continue to play a key role for Manchester United, both on and off the pitch. He will be expected to lead by example, mentor younger players, and contribute to the team's success on the pitch.

Impact: This contract extension is a significant boost for Manchester United, as it ensures the presence of one of the greatest players in the world for the next two years. It also sends a strong message to fans and the football world that the club is committed to building a successful team around Ronaldo.

What do you think about Cristiano Ronaldo's new contract deal? Excited to see what the future holds for him and Manchester United?