Cringely r.x 1992 accidental empires new york harper collins

A classic!

The book you're referring to is "Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition, and Still Can't Get a Date" by Robert X. Cringely, published in 1992 by HarperCollins.

This book is a humorous and insightful look at the early days of the personal computer industry, focusing on the rise of Silicon Valley and the companies that shaped it, such as Apple, Microsoft, and IBM. Cringely, a pseudonym for Mark Stephens, was a journalist and author who wrote for publications like InfoWorld and Wired.

The book's title, "Accidental Empires," refers to the fact that many of the companies that dominated the industry were not planned or intentional, but rather emerged from a series of accidents, coincidences, and innovations. The book explores the personalities, rivalries, and technological developments that drove the growth of the industry, as well as the cultural and social changes that accompanied it.

"Accidental Empires" is considered a classic of technology literature and has been widely praised for its engaging storytelling, humor, and insight into the early days of the tech industry.