Criminal gangs take over lagos s south waterways

I'm not aware of any specific information about criminal gangs taking over the waterways in Lagos, South Nigeria. However, I can provide some general information about the challenges faced by the Lagos State Government in managing its waterways.

Lagos is a densely populated city with a large number of waterways, including rivers, creeks, and canals. The city's waterways are an important transportation route for both commercial and recreational activities. However, the waterways have also been plagued by issues such as pollution, illegal fishing, and criminal activities.

In recent years, there have been reports of criminal gangs operating in the waterways, engaging in activities such as piracy, armed robbery, and drug trafficking. These gangs often use the waterways to evade law enforcement and to transport illegal goods and people.

The Lagos State Government has been working to address these challenges by increasing security measures in the waterways, including the deployment of naval personnel and the installation of surveillance cameras. The government has also been working to improve the infrastructure of the waterways, including the construction of new jetties and the dredging of channels.

Despite these efforts, the challenges faced by the Lagos State Government in managing its waterways remain significant. The government continues to work to address these challenges and to ensure the safety and security of all users of the waterways.

It's worth noting that the Lagos State Government has also been working to promote the use of the waterways for commercial and recreational activities, including the development of a water transportation system and the promotion of eco-tourism. These efforts are aimed at reducing the reliance on roads and promoting sustainable development in the city.

In conclusion, while there have been reports of criminal gangs operating in the waterways of Lagos, the Lagos State Government is working to address these challenges and to ensure the safety and security of all users of the waterways. The government is also working to promote the use of the waterways for commercial and recreational activities, and to promote sustainable development in the city.