Crime news reporting format

Here is a common format for crime news reporting:



Date and Time



Suspects and Arrests



Community Reaction

Additional Information

Call to Action

Here is an example of what a crime news report might look like in this format:

Headline: Man Arrested in Connection with String of Burglaries

Location: Downtown Area

Date and Time: January 10, 2023, 2:00 a.m.

Summary: A 32-year-old man was arrested and charged with multiple counts of burglary after a string of break-ins in the downtown area.

Details: The suspect, identified as John Doe, was taken into custody after a witness reported seeing him fleeing the scene of a burglary. Police found stolen property and evidence of forced entry at the scene.

Suspects and Arrests: John Doe, 32, was arrested and charged with multiple counts of burglary. He is being held at the county jail with a $50,000 bail.

Victims: The victims of the burglaries were a local business and a resident of the area.

Investigation: The investigation is ongoing, and police are reviewing surveillance footage and interviewing witnesses.

Community Reaction: "We're grateful that the suspect has been caught and that our community is safer as a result," said a local business owner.

Additional Information: Anyone with information about the burglaries is encouraged to contact the police department.