Cricket trained new umpires

A great topic!

The International Cricket Council (ICC) has a comprehensive umpiring program to train and develop new umpires. Here's an overview of the process:

ICC Umpiring Program

The ICC Umpiring Program is designed to identify, develop, and train talented umpires to officiate international cricket matches. The program is managed by the ICC Umpires' Panel, which is responsible for selecting and mentoring umpires.

Selection Process

The selection process for new umpires typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identification: The ICC identifies talented umpires through various sources, including national cricket associations, umpiring academies, and existing umpires.
  2. Assessment: The identified umpires undergo an assessment process, which includes evaluating their technical skills, knowledge of the game, and ability to make decisions under pressure.
  3. Training: Successful candidates are invited to participate in the ICC Umpiring Program, which includes a comprehensive training program that covers various aspects of umpiring, such as:
    • Laws of Cricket
    • Umpiring techniques
    • Decision-making
    • Communication skills
    • Fitness and physical conditioning
  4. Mentoring: New umpires are assigned a mentor, who is an experienced ICC umpire, to guide and support them throughout their development.
  5. On-field training: New umpires are given opportunities to officiate matches at various levels, including domestic and international competitions, under the guidance of their mentors.
  6. Assessment and evaluation: The ICC continuously assesses and evaluates the performance of new umpires, providing feedback and guidance to help them improve.

Umpiring Pathway

The ICC Umpiring Program has a clear pathway for new umpires to progress:

  1. Development Umpire: New umpires start as Development Umpires, officiating matches at the domestic level.
  2. National Umpire: Successful Development Umpires can progress to become National Umpires, officiating matches at the national level.
  3. International Umpire: National Umpires who demonstrate exceptional skills and performance can be promoted to the ICC International Umpire Panel, officiating matches at the international level.


The ICC Umpiring Program offers several benefits to new umpires, including:

  1. Professional development: The program provides a structured pathway for umpires to develop their skills and knowledge.
  2. International exposure: New umpires can gain international experience and exposure, which can enhance their careers.
  3. Mentorship: The program offers guidance and support from experienced umpires, helping new umpires to improve their performance.
  4. Recognition: Successful umpires can earn recognition and respect within the cricket community.

Overall, the ICC Umpiring Program is designed to identify, develop, and train talented umpires to officiate international cricket matches, ensuring that the game is played fairly and consistently.