Cricket star leaves tour to watch wife in cup final

A great example of prioritizing family over cricket!

It's reported that England cricketer, Jos Buttler, has left the ongoing tour of Pakistan to watch his wife, Louise, play in the Women's FA Cup final. This is a wonderful display of support and commitment to his loved one.

Buttler, who is a key player for England in all formats, has been an integral part of the team's success in recent years. His decision to leave the tour and watch his wife play in the cup final is a testament to the importance he places on his personal life and relationships.

It's not often that we see cricketers taking time off to support their loved ones, especially during a tour. This shows that Buttler is a man who values his family and is willing to make sacrifices for them.

Let's hope Louise's team does well in the cup final, and Buttler gets to enjoy the match with his wife!