Credit union new zealand

Credit Union New Zealand (CUA) is a national organization that represents the interests of credit unions in New Zealand. Here are some key facts about CUA:

Mission: CUA's mission is to support and promote the development of credit unions in New Zealand, while also advocating for the interests of credit union members.

Membership: CUA has over 250,000 members across New Zealand, with 34 credit unions and 2,500 employees.

Services: CUA provides a range of services to its member credit unions, including:

  1. Advocacy: CUA advocates on behalf of credit unions to government, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders.
  2. Training and Development: CUA offers training and development programs for credit union staff and volunteers.
  3. Compliance: CUA provides guidance and support to credit unions on regulatory compliance issues.
  4. IT Services: CUA offers IT services, including software development, hosting, and support.
  5. Marketing and Communications: CUA provides marketing and communications support to credit unions.

Governance: CUA is governed by a Board of Directors, which is elected by the member credit unions.

History: Credit Union New Zealand was established in 1974 as the New Zealand Credit Union Association. In 2011, the organization changed its name to Credit Union New Zealand to reflect its expanded role and scope.

Key initiatives: CUA has several key initiatives, including:

  1. Financial Literacy: CUA is committed to promoting financial literacy and education among New Zealanders.
  2. Community Development: CUA supports community development initiatives and partnerships with other organizations.
  3. Advocacy: CUA advocates for the interests of credit union members and the credit union sector as a whole.

Awards and recognition: CUA has received several awards and recognition for its work, including the 2019 Financial Services Council's (FSC) Excellence in Financial Services Award for its financial literacy program.

Overall, Credit Union New Zealand plays a critical role in supporting and promoting the development of credit unions in New Zealand, while also advocating for the interests of credit union members.