Creaye a new boot partition cmd

Here is an example of a new boot partition command:

bootpart -c -l -s 100M -t ntfs -f C:\boot

Let me explain what each option does:

This command will create a new NTFS partition at the beginning of the disk, with a size of 100 megabytes, and name it "C:\boot".

Note: The exact syntax and options may vary depending on the specific boot partitioning tool you are using. This is just an example.

Also, before running this command, make sure to backup your important data and files, as creating a new partition will erase any existing data on the disk.

It's also important to note that this command is just an example, and you should adjust the options to fit your specific needs and requirements.

You can also use other tools like diskpart or fdisk to create a new boot partition, the syntax will be different but the idea is the same.

For example with diskpart:

create partition primary size=100
format fs=ntfs quick
assign letter=C

This will create a new primary partition, format it with NTFS, and assign the letter C to it.