Creative writing news story making west africa workshop

Workshop Title: "Crafting Compelling Stories: A Creative Writing Workshop for West African Journalists"

Location: Accra, Ghana

Dates: March 15-19, 2023

Objective: To equip West African journalists with the skills to craft engaging and informative news stories that resonate with their audiences.

Workshop Overview:

The "Crafting Compelling Stories" workshop is designed to help West African journalists improve their storytelling skills, enhance their writing style, and produce high-quality news content that informs and entertains their readers. The workshop will focus on the principles of creative writing, including character development, plot structure, and narrative techniques.

Workshop Facilitators:

Workshop Agenda:

Day 1: Introduction to Creative Writing for Journalism

Day 2: Crafting Compelling Characters

Day 3: Plot Structure and Narrative Techniques

Day 4: Writing for Different Platforms

Day 5: Editing and Revising

Workshop Activities:

Workshop Outcomes:

Target Audience:

Application Process:




For more information, please contact [Name], [Email], [Phone number].