Creation of new emirates in kano

I think there may be some confusion here.

Kano is a state in Nigeria, not a country, and it does not have the ability to create new emirates. Additionally, the concept of emirates is typically associated with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a country in the Middle East.

In Nigeria, the country has 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), and each state has its own government and administrative structure. Kano is one of the states in Nigeria, and it has its own governor, legislature, and administrative divisions, including local government areas.

If you are referring to the creation of new local government areas (LGAs) in Kano state, Nigeria, that would be a decision made by the state government, in consultation with the federal government, and would require a legislative process.

However, I must clarify that the concept of emirates is not applicable in Nigeria, as it is a term typically associated with the UAE and other countries in the Middle East.

If you have any further questions or clarification regarding this, please feel free to ask!