Creating new users for aws rds mmsql

To create a new user for AWS RDS MySQL, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Connect to your RDS instance

You can connect to your RDS instance using a MySQL client tool such as MySQL Workbench or the MySQL command-line tool.

Step 2: Create a new user

Use the following SQL command to create a new user:

CREATE USER 'newuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Replace 'newuser' with the desired username and 'password' with the desired password.

Step 3: Grant privileges

Use the following SQL command to grant privileges to the new user:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'newuser'@'%';

This grants the new user all privileges on all databases and tables.

Step 4: Flush privileges

Use the following SQL command to flush the privileges:


This updates the privilege tables to reflect the new user and its privileges.

Step 5: Verify the new user

Use the following SQL command to verify that the new user exists and has the correct privileges:

SELECT * FROM mysql.user WHERE User = 'newuser';

This should return a row with the new user's information.

Step 6: Update the RDS instance's security group

If you want to allow the new user to connect to your RDS instance from outside the VPC, you need to update the RDS instance's security group to allow incoming traffic on the MySQL port (usually 3306).

Step 7: Test the new user

Use a MySQL client tool to test the new user's connection to the RDS instance. You can use the following command:

mysql -h <RDS_instance_endpoint> -u newuser -p<password>

Replace <RDS_instance_endpoint> with the endpoint of your RDS instance and <password> with the password you set for the new user.

That's it! You should now have a new user created for your AWS RDS MySQL instance.