Creating new performance on jmeter

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a new performance test using JMeter:


Step 1: Launch JMeter

Open JMeter by double-clicking on the JMeter icon or by running the jmeter command in your terminal/command prompt.

Step 2: Create a new test plan

In the JMeter GUI, click on the "File" menu and select "New Test Plan" (or press Ctrl+N on Windows or Cmd+N on Mac). This will create a new test plan with a default name, e.g., "Test Plan".

Step 3: Add a Thread Group

A Thread Group is the container that defines the number of threads (simultaneous users) that will execute the test. To add a Thread Group, right-click on the "Test Plan" node and select "Add" > "Thread Group" (or press Ctrl+Shift+T on Windows or Cmd+Shift+T on Mac).

Step 4: Configure the Thread Group

In the Thread Group configuration window, you can set the following properties:

For example, you can set the Number of Threads to 10, Ramp-up Period to 10 seconds, and Loop Count to 5.

Step 5: Add a Sampler

A Sampler is an element that sends a request to a server and measures the response time. To add a Sampler, right-click on the Thread Group node and select "Add" > "Sampler" > "HTTP Request" (or press Ctrl+Shift+H on Windows or Cmd+Shift+H on Mac).

Step 6: Configure the Sampler

In the Sampler configuration window, you can set the following properties:

For example, you can set the Server Name or IP to, Port to 80, Path to /index.html, and Method to GET.

Step 7: Add a Listener

A Listener is an element that captures and displays the results of the test. To add a Listener, right-click on the Thread Group node and select "Add" > "Listener" > "View Results Tree" (or press Ctrl+Shift+V on Windows or Cmd+Shift+V on Mac).

Step 8: Save the test plan

Once you've configured the Thread Group, Sampler, and Listener, save the test plan by clicking on the "File" menu and selecting "Save" (or press Ctrl+S on Windows or Cmd+S on Mac).

Step 9: Run the test

To run the test, click on the "Run" button (or press F9 on Windows or Cmd+R on Mac). JMeter will execute the test and display the results in the Listener.

That's it! You've created a new performance test using JMeter.