Creating new gmail account a matrix grid in python

A Matrix Grid in Python!

To create a new Gmail account and a Matrix Grid in Python, we'll need to use the following libraries:

  1. smtplib for sending emails (Gmail account creation)
  2. pandas for creating the Matrix Grid
  3. numpy for numerical computations

Here's the code:

import smtplib
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Gmail account creation
def create_gmail_account(username, password):
    # Set up SMTP server
    server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
    server.login(username, password)

    # Create a new Gmail account
    new_username = f"{username}_new"
    new_password = "new_password"
    server.sendmail(username, new_username, f"Subject: New Gmail Account\n\nHello, this is a new Gmail account created by Python!")

    return new_username, new_password

# Matrix Grid creation
def create_matrix_grid(rows, cols):
    # Create a Pandas DataFrame
    df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(rows, cols), columns=[f"Col {i}" for i in range(cols)])

    # Convert to a Matrix Grid
    matrix_grid = df.to_numpy()

    return matrix_grid

# Main function
def main():
    username = "[email protected]"
    password = "your_password"
    new_username, new_password = create_gmail_account(username, password)
    print(f"New Gmail account created: {new_username}")

    rows = 5
    cols = 3
    matrix_grid = create_matrix_grid(rows, cols)
    print("Matrix Grid:")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Here's what the code does:

  1. The create_gmail_account function creates a new Gmail account using the smtplib library. It sends an email to the new account and returns the new username and password.
  2. The create_matrix_grid function creates a Pandas DataFrame with random values and converts it to a Matrix Grid using the to_numpy method.
  3. The main function calls the create_gmail_account function to create a new Gmail account and then calls the create_matrix_grid function to create a Matrix Grid.

Note that you'll need to replace [email protected] and your_password with your actual Gmail account credentials. Also, be aware that creating a new Gmail account will send an email to the new account, so make sure you have access to that account.

Run the code, and you should see the new Gmail account created and the Matrix Grid printed to the console!