Creating new colomn and uploading to new colum in wp

You want to create a new column in a WordPress database table and upload data to that new column. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you achieve this:

Step 1: Create a new column in the database table

You can use the following SQL query to create a new column in the desired table:

ALTER TABLE `wp_posts` ADD COLUMN `new_column` TEXT AFTER `post_content`;

Replace wp_posts with the actual table name you want to modify, and new_column with the name you want to give to the new column. The AFTER keyword specifies the position of the new column in the table.

Step 2: Upload data to the new column

To upload data to the new column, you'll need to use a PHP script that connects to your WordPress database and executes a SQL query to insert data into the new column.

Here's an example PHP script that you can use as a starting point:

// Connect to the database
$wpdb = new WP_DB();
$wpdb->query("USE ". $wpdb->dbname);

// Define the table and column names
$table_name = 'wp_posts';
$column_name = 'new_column';

// Define the data to be inserted
$data = array(
    array('post_id' => 1, 'new_column' => 'Hello World'),
    array('post_id' => 2, 'new_column' => 'This is a test'),
    // Add more data as needed

// Insert data into the new column
foreach ($data as $row) {
    $wpdb->query("UPDATE $table_name SET $column_name = '". $row['new_column']. "' WHERE ID = ". $row['post_id']);

// Close the database connection

This script connects to the WordPress database, defines the table and column names, and defines the data to be inserted. It then loops through the data and uses a SQL query to update the new column with the corresponding values.

Step 3: Run the script

Save the PHP script to a file (e.g., upload_data.php) and upload it to your WordPress site using an FTP client or the file manager in your hosting control panel.

Once the script is uploaded, you can run it by accessing the file in your browser (e.g., This will execute the script and upload the data to the new column.

Note: Make sure to replace the wp_posts table name and new_column name with the actual values for your WordPress site. Also, be careful when running SQL queries, as they can potentially modify your database in unintended ways.