Creating a new window vm on google cloud

Here's a step-by-step guide to creating a new Windows VM on Google Cloud:


  1. You have a Google Cloud account and are logged in to the Google Cloud Console.
  2. You have enabled the Compute Engine API and the Windows Server image.
  3. You have a project selected in the Google Cloud Console.

Step 1: Create a new VM instance

  1. Go to the Compute Engine dashboard in the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Click on "Create instance" in the top right corner of the page.
  3. Select "Windows" as the operating system.
  4. Choose the Windows Server image you want to use (e.g., Windows Server 2019 Datacenter).
  5. Choose the machine type (e.g., f1-micro, n1-standard-1).
  6. Set the boot disk size to 30 GB (or larger if you need more storage).
  7. Set the network settings:
    • Choose a network (e.g., default).
    • Set the subnet (e.g., default).
    • Set the IP address (e.g., static).
  8. Set the firewall rules:
    • Choose the firewall rules (e.g., default).
    • Set the protocol (e.g., TCP).
    • Set the port range (e.g., 3389 for RDP).
  9. Click "Create" to create the VM instance.

Step 2: Configure the VM instance

  1. Wait for the VM instance to be created and provisioned.
  2. Once the VM instance is created, click on the three vertical dots next to the VM instance name and select "Edit".
  3. In the "Edit instance" page, you can configure various settings, such as:
    • Boot disk: You can change the boot disk size or add additional disks.
    • Network: You can change the network settings or add additional networks.
    • Firewall rules: You can add or remove firewall rules.
    • Labels: You can add labels to the VM instance for organization and filtering.
  4. Click "Save" to save the changes.

Step 3: Connect to the VM instance

  1. Once the VM instance is created and configured, you can connect to it using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).
  2. To connect to the VM instance using RDP, you'll need to:
    • Download the RDP client software (e.g., Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection).
    • Open the RDP client software and enter the VM instance's IP address and port number (e.g., 3389).
    • Authenticate with the VM instance using your Google Cloud credentials.
  3. Once connected, you can access the VM instance and start using it.

Additional tips: