Creating a new integration server from mqsi command

MQSI (Message Queue Server Integration) is a powerful tool for integrating different systems and applications. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a new integration server from the MQSI command:


  1. You have MQSI installed on your system.
  2. You have a basic understanding of MQSI and its components.

Step 1: Open the MQSI Command Prompt

  1. Open the MQSI Command Prompt by searching for "MQSI Command Prompt" in your Start menu (Windows) or Spotlight search (Mac).
  2. Alternatively, you can navigate to the MQSI installation directory and run the mqsi.exe file.

Step 2: Create a New Integration Server

  1. In the MQSI Command Prompt, type the following command to create a new integration server:
    mqsi create integrationserver -name <IntegrationServerName> -description <Description>

    Replace <IntegrationServerName> with the desired name for your integration server, and <Description> with a brief description of the server.


mqsi create integrationserver -name MyIntegrationServer -description "My First Integration Server"

Step 3: Configure the Integration Server

  1. Once the integration server is created, you'll be prompted to configure it. You'll need to provide the following information:
    • Server type: Choose the type of integration server you want to create (e.g., File, Database, Web Service, etc.).
    • Server URL: Enter the URL or connection string for the integration server.
    • Authentication: Choose the authentication method for the integration server (e.g., username/password, Windows authentication, etc.).
  2. Fill in the required information and press Enter to continue.

Step 4: Start the Integration Server

  1. Once the integration server is configured, you can start it by typing the following command:
    mqsi start integrationserver -name <IntegrationServerName>

    Replace <IntegrationServerName> with the name of the integration server you created earlier.


mqsi start integrationserver -name MyIntegrationServer

Step 5: Verify the Integration Server

  1. To verify that the integration server is running, you can use the following command:
    mqsi status integrationserver -name <IntegrationServerName>

    This command will display the status of the integration server, including whether it's running or not.


mqsi status integrationserver -name MyIntegrationServer

That's it! You've successfully created a new integration server using the MQSI command. You can now use this integration server to integrate different systems and applications.