Creating a new controller instance laravel 5.6

In Laravel 5.6, you can create a new controller instance in several ways:

1. Using the make:controller Artisan command

Run the following command in your terminal:

php artisan make:controller MyController

This will create a new controller file in the app/Http/Controllers directory with the name MyController.php.

2. Using the Controller facade

You can use the Controller facade to create a new controller instance:

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

$controller = new Controller('MyController');

This will create a new instance of the MyController controller.

3. Using the App\Http\Controllers\Controller class

You can also create a new controller instance by extending the App\Http\Controllers\Controller class:

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class MyController extends Controller
    // Your controller methods here

Then, you can create an instance of the controller using the following code:

$controller = new MyController();

Note that in Laravel 5.6, the Controller class is located in the app/Http/Controllers namespace, so you need to use the fully qualified namespace when creating a new controller instance.

Once you have created a new controller instance, you can use it to handle requests, respond to HTTP requests, and interact with your application's logic.