Creating a new branch from another branch

A common Git operation!

To create a new branch from another branch, you can use the following command:

git branch <new-branch-name> <base-branch-name>

Replace <new-branch-name> with the name you want to give to the new branch, and <base-branch-name> with the name of the branch you want to create the new branch from.

For example, let's say you have a branch called feature/new-login-system and you want to create a new branch called feature/new-login-system-staging that is based on the same code as feature/new-login-system. You would run the following command:

git branch feature/new-login-system-staging feature/new-login-system

This will create a new branch called feature/new-login-system-staging that is a copy of the feature/new-login-system branch.

You can also use the -b option to create a new branch and switch to it immediately:

git branch -b feature/new-login-system-staging feature/new-login-system

This will create the new branch and then switch to it, so you can start working on it right away.

Note that if you want to create a new branch that is based on the current branch (i.e., the branch you are currently on), you can simply use the git branch command without specifying the base branch:

git branch <new-branch-name>

For example:

git branch feature/new-login-system-staging

This will create a new branch called feature/new-login-system-staging that is based on the current branch (e.g., master).