Create news app free

Here's a basic outline to create a news app for free:

Step 1: Choose a Platform

You can create a news app for free on platforms like:

  1. Medium: A popular platform for bloggers and writers. You can create a news app on Medium using their built-in features.
  2. WordPress: A popular content management system (CMS) that allows you to create a news app using their free themes and plugins.
  3. Google News: A news aggregator that allows you to create a news app using their API.

Step 2: Choose a Design

For a free news app, you can use a pre-designed template or theme. You can find many free templates on platforms like:

  1. WordPress: Offers many free themes that you can use to create a news app.
  2. Medium: Offers a range of free templates that you can use to create a news app.
  3. Google News: Offers a range of free templates that you can use to create a news app.

Step 3: Choose a Content Management System (CMS)

For a free news app, you can use a CMS like:

  1. WordPress: A popular CMS that allows you to create and manage content easily.
  2. Medium: A CMS that allows you to create and manage content easily.
  3. Google News: A CMS that allows you to create and manage content easily.

Step 4: Choose a News Aggregator

For a free news app, you can use a news aggregator like:

  1. Google News: A popular news aggregator that allows you to aggregate news from various sources.
  2. Feedly: A popular news aggregator that allows you to aggregate news from various sources.
  3. NewsAPI: A free API that allows you to aggregate news from various sources.

Step 5: Choose a Development Framework

For a free news app, you can use a development framework like:

  1. WordPress: A popular CMS that allows you to create and manage content easily.
  2. Medium: A CMS that allows you to create and manage content easily.
  3. Google News: A CMS that allows you to create and manage content easily.

Step 6: Create the App

Once you have chosen the platform, design, CMS, news aggregator, and development framework, you can start creating the app. You can use the following steps to create the app:

  1. Design the App: Use a design tool like Adobe XD or Figma to design the app.
  2. Develop the App: Use a development framework like WordPress or Medium to develop the app.
  3. Integrate the News Aggregator: Use a news aggregator like Google News or Feedly to integrate the app with various news sources.
  4. Test the App: Test the app to ensure that it is working correctly.

Step 7: Publish the App

Once you have created the app, you can publish it on various platforms like:

  1. App Store: Publish the app on the App Store for iOS devices.
  2. Google Play Store: Publish the app on the Google Play Store for Android devices.
  3. Medium: Publish the app on Medium for a wider audience.


Creating a free news app is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. By following the steps outlined above, you can create a free news app that is functional and user-friendly.