Create new user from cmd

To create a new user from the Command Prompt (Cmd) in Windows, you can use the following command:

net user <username> *

Replace <username> with the desired username for the new user.

For example, to create a new user named "john", you would use the following command:

net user john *

This will prompt you to enter a password for the new user. You will be asked to enter the password twice to confirm.

If you want to create a new user with a specific password, you can use the following command:

net user <username> <password>

Replace <username> with the desired username and <password> with the desired password.

For example, to create a new user named "john" with the password "hello123", you would use the following command:

net user john hello123

Note: The * symbol is used to prompt for a password, and the <password> is used to specify the password.

Also, you can use the following command to create a new user with a specific password and to specify the user's full name, description, and other details:

net user <username> <password> /add

Replace <username> with the desired username, <password> with the desired password, and /add with the /add option to specify additional details.

For example, to create a new user named "john" with the password "hello123" and to specify the user's full name, description, and other details, you would use the following command:

net user john hello123 /add /fullname:"John Doe" /comment:"New user" /expires:2023-12-31

This will create a new user named "john" with the password "hello123", and will also set the user's full name to "John Doe", description to "New user", and expiration date to December 31, 2023.