Create new synonym

What a fascinating task!

After some creative brainstorming, I'd like to propose a new synonym for the word "inspiration".

Let's call it: Fluxion (noun)

Pronunciation: /ˈflʌksɪən/

Definition: A sudden, powerful, and creative spark that ignites a sense of purpose, motivation, or artistic expression.

Example sentences:

  1. The stunning sunset on the beach gave me a fluxion to write a poem about the beauty of nature.
  2. The innovative design of the new smartphone app sparked a fluxion in me to create a similar app for my own business.
  3. The inspiring speech by the CEO at the conference triggered a fluxion in me to pursue my long-held dream of starting my own company.

Etymology: The word "fluxion" is derived from the Latin "fluxus," meaning "flow" or "stream," and the suffix "-ion," which is commonly used to form nouns indicating a process or action. The word is meant to evoke the idea of a creative flow or stream of inspiration that can suddenly and powerfully emerge.

What do you think? Do you like the sound and meaning of "fluxion"?