Create new property google analytics

To create a new property in Google Analytics, follow these steps:

Step 1: Sign in to Google Analytics

  1. Go to the Google Analytics website (
  2. Sign in with your Google account credentials.

Step 2: Create a new property

  1. Click on the "Admin" button in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  2. Click on "Create Property" from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select "Web" as the property type (or "App" if you want to track an app).
  4. Enter a property name (e.g., "My New Website").
  5. Enter a property URL (e.g., "").
  6. Choose a industry category and a category type (e.g., "E-commerce" and "Online Retail").
  7. Click "Create" to create the property.

Step 3: Set up the property

  1. You will be taken to the Property Settings page.
  2. Fill in the required information, such as:
    • Time zone: Select your time zone.
    • Currency: Select your currency.
    • Default URL: Enter the default URL for your property (e.g., "").
  3. Click "Save" to save the property settings.

Step 4: Set up tracking

  1. To start tracking your website, you need to add the Google Analytics tracking code to your website.
  2. You can do this by:
    • Copying the tracking code from the Property Settings page and pasting it into the section of your website's HTML code.
    • Using the Google Tag Manager (GTM) to manage your tracking code.
  3. Make sure to add the tracking code to all pages of your website that you want to track.

Step 5: Verify the property

  1. To verify your property, you need to add the tracking code to your website and then click on the "Verify" button on the Property Settings page.
  2. Google Analytics will then verify that the tracking code is installed correctly and your property is set up correctly.

That's it! Your new property is now set up and ready to track your website's data.