Create new page portum theme

Here is an example of how you can create a new page in the Portum theme:

Step 1: Create a new file

In your Portum theme directory, create a new file called (or any other name you prefer, but make sure it ends with .md).

Step 2: Add the page metadata

In the new file, add the following metadata at the top:

title: New Page
layout: page

This tells Portum that this file is a page and sets the title to "New Page".

Step 3: Add the page content

Below the metadata, add the content of your new page. You can use Markdown syntax to format your text. For example:

# New Page

This is a new page in the Portum theme. You can add any content you like here, including headings, paragraphs, images, and more.

## Subheading

This is a subheading on the new page.

Step 4: Add the page to the menu

To add the new page to the menu, you need to update the menu.yml file in your Portum theme directory. Open the file and add the following line:

- title: New Page
  url: /new-page

This adds a new menu item called "New Page" with a URL of /new-page.

Step 5: Update the theme

After adding the new page and menu item, you need to update the theme by running the following command in your terminal:

bundle exec jekyll build

This rebuilds the theme and makes the new page available.

Step 6: View the new page

Finally, you can view the new page by navigating to http://localhost:4000/new-page in your web browser (assuming you're running the theme locally).

That's it! You've created a new page in the Portum theme.