Create new object using person constructor javascript

Here is an example of creating a new object using a Person constructor in JavaScript:

// Define the Person constructor
function Person(name, age) { = name;
  this.age = age;

// Create a new Person object
const person1 = new Person("John Doe", 30);

// Access the properties of the new object
console.log(; // Output: "John Doe"
console.log(person1.age); // Output: 30

In this example, we define a Person constructor that takes two arguments: name and age. The constructor sets the name and age properties of the new object using the this keyword.

We then create a new Person object using the new keyword, passing in the arguments "John Doe" and 30. The new keyword creates a new object and calls the Person constructor, passing in the arguments.

Finally, we access the properties of the new object using dot notation ( and person1.age). This outputs the values we set in the constructor.

You can also create multiple objects using the same constructor:

const person2 = new Person("Jane Smith", 25);
const person3 = new Person("Bob Johnson", 40);

console.log(; // Output: "Jane Smith"
console.log(person2.age); // Output: 25

console.log(; // Output: "Bob Johnson"
console.log(person3.age); // Output: 40