Create new laravel project

To create a new Laravel project, you can use the following command in your terminal:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel project-name

Replace project-name with the name you want to give your project.

This command will create a new Laravel project in a directory with the same name as the project name you specified. The project will include the basic structure and files needed to start building your application.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

Once the project is created, you can navigate to the project directory and start building your application.

Here's an example of how to create a new Laravel project called "my-app":

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel my-app

This will create a new directory called "my-app" with the basic structure and files needed to start building your application.

You can then navigate to the project directory and start building your application:

cd my-app

You can then start the development server by running the following command:

php artisan serve

This will start the development server and you can access your application by navigating to http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.

That's it! You now have a new Laravel project up and running.