Create new facebook account and start running ads

Here's a step-by-step guide to creating a new Facebook account and running ads:

Step 1: Create a New Facebook Account

  1. Go to and click on "Create New Account"
  2. Enter your name, email address, password, and birthday
  3. Click on "Sign Up"
  4. Verify your email address by clicking on the link sent to your email inbox
  5. Fill out your profile information, including your profile picture and cover photo

Step 2: Set Up Your Business Page

  1. Click on the "Pages" tab on the left side of your Facebook profile
  2. Click on "Create New Page"
  3. Choose the type of page you want to create (e.g. Business/Brand, Artist, Public Figure, etc.)
  4. Enter your page name, category, and description
  5. Add a profile picture and cover photo to your page
  6. Verify your page by clicking on the link sent to your email inbox

Step 3: Set Up Your Ad Account

  1. Click on the "Settings" icon (looks like a gear) on the top right corner of your Facebook profile
  2. Click on "Account Settings"
  3. Click on "Ad Accounts" from the left side menu
  4. Click on "Create New Ad Account"
  5. Enter your ad account name, currency, and time zone
  6. Click on "Create Ad Account"

Step 4: Set Up Your Ad Campaign

  1. Click on the "Create" button on the top right corner of your Facebook profile
  2. Click on "Create Ad"
  3. Choose your ad objective (e.g. Awareness, Consideration, Conversion)
  4. Enter your ad set name, budget, and schedule
  5. Choose your targeting options (e.g. demographics, interests, behaviors)
  6. Upload your ad creative (e.g. image, video, carousel)

Step 5: Launch Your Ad Campaign

  1. Review your ad campaign settings and targeting options
  2. Click on "Confirm" to launch your ad campaign
  3. Monitor your ad performance and adjust your targeting options and budget as needed

Tips and Best Practices

Additional Resources