Create new extensible data security xds ax 2012

Here is an example of how to create a new extensible data security (XDS) entity in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012:

Step 1: Create a new table

In the AOT (Application Object Tree), right-click on the "Tables" node and select "New" > "Table". Name the table, for example, "MyXDS".

Step 2: Define the table structure

In the "MyXDS" table, define the fields that will store the data security information. For example:

Step 3: Create a new data security entity

In the AOT, right-click on the "DataSecurity" node and select "New" > "DataSecurityEntity". Name the entity, for example, "MyXDS".

Step 4: Configure the data security entity

In the "MyXDS" data security entity, configure the following properties:

Step 5: Create a new data security policy

In the AOT, right-click on the "DataSecurityPolicies" node and select "New" > "DataSecurityPolicy". Name the policy, for example, "MyXDSPolicy".

Step 6: Configure the data security policy

In the "MyXDSPolicy" data security policy, configure the following properties:

Step 7: Deploy the changes

Deploy the changes to the AOT by clicking on "Deploy" > "Deploy to Database".

Step 8: Configure the data security policy in the database

In the database, navigate to the "Data Security" > "Policies" node and create a new policy by clicking on "New" > "Policy". Name the policy, for example, "MyXDSPolicy".

Step 9: Configure the data security policy rules

In the "MyXDSPolicy" policy, create new rules by clicking on "New" > "Rule". Configure the rules to specify the conditions under which the data security policy will be applied.

Step 10: Test the data security policy

Test the data security policy by simulating different scenarios, such as:

Verify that the policy is enforced correctly and that the user is either allowed or denied access to the record.

This is a basic example of how to create a new extensible data security entity in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. The actual implementation may vary depending on the specific requirements of your organization.