Create new email account without phone number

Creating a new email account without a phone number is possible, but it may vary depending on the email provider you choose. Here are a few options:

Option 1: Gmail

  1. Go to the Google account creation page:
  2. Click on "Create account"
  3. Fill in the required information, including your name, username, and password
  4. You will be asked to add a recovery phone number, but you can skip this step by clicking on "No phone"
  5. Fill in the rest of the required information, including your birthday and gender
  6. Click on "Next" and then "Create account"

Option 2:

  1. Go to the sign-up page:
  2. Click on "Create an account"
  3. Fill in the required information, including your name, username, and password
  4. You will be asked to add a phone number, but you can skip this step by clicking on "Skip this step"
  5. Fill in the rest of the required information, including your birthday and gender
  6. Click on "Next" and then "Create account"

Option 3: ProtonMail

  1. Go to the ProtonMail sign-up page:
  2. Click on "Create an account"
  3. Fill in the required information, including your name, username, and password
  4. You will be asked to add a recovery email address, but you can skip this step by clicking on "No"
  5. Fill in the rest of the required information, including your birthday and gender
  6. Click on "Create account"

Option 4: Yandex Mail

  1. Go to the Yandex Mail sign-up page:
  2. Click on "Create an account"
  3. Fill in the required information, including your name, username, and password
  4. You will be asked to add a phone number, but you can skip this step by clicking on "Skip"
  5. Fill in the rest of the required information, including your birthday and gender
  6. Click on "Create account"

Please note that some email providers may require a phone number for security purposes, so it's always a good idea to check their terms and conditions before creating an account. Additionally, some providers may offer alternative verification methods, such as a security question or a code sent to your email address.