Create new email account roundcube

Here's a step-by-step guide to create a new email account using Roundcube:


  1. You have access to a web server or a hosting provider that supports Roundcube.
  2. You have a domain name registered and pointing to your web server or hosting provider.
  3. You have a MySQL database set up and configured.

Step 1: Create a new MySQL database

  1. Log in to your MySQL database using a tool like phpMyAdmin.
  2. Click on the "Databases" tab and create a new database for your email account.
  3. Give the database a name, e.g., "myemaildb".
  4. Create a new user for the database, e.g., "myemailuser".
  5. Set a password for the user.
  6. Grant the user privileges to the database.

Step 2: Configure Roundcube

  1. Upload the Roundcube files to your web server or hosting provider. You can download the latest version from the official Roundcube website.
  2. Create a new configuration file for Roundcube by copying the file from the Roundcube directory and renaming it to
  3. Edit the file and update the following settings:
    • db_dsnw: Set to the MySQL database connection string, e.g., mysql://myemailuser:myemailpassword@localhost/myemaildb.
    • db_name: Set to the name of the database, e.g., myemaildb.
    • db_user: Set to the username of the database user, e.g., myemailuser.
    • db_password: Set to the password of the database user.
    • default_host: Set to the hostname of your web server or hosting provider, e.g., localhost.
  4. Save the changes to the file.

Step 3: Create a new email account

  1. Log in to your Roundcube web interface using the URL (replace with your actual domain name).
  2. Click on the "Create new account" button.
  3. Fill in the required information for the new email account, including:
    • Email address: Enter the email address you want to create, e.g., [email protected].
    • Password: Enter a strong password for the email account.
    • Full name: Enter the full name associated with the email account.
  4. Click on the "Create" button to create the new email account.

Step 4: Configure the email account

  1. Log in to your Roundcube web interface using the new email account credentials.
  2. Click on the "Settings" icon (looks like a gear) in the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. Click on the "Identity" tab and update the following settings:
    • Display name: Enter the full name associated with the email account.
    • Email address: Enter the email address of the account.
  4. Click on the "Save" button to save the changes.

That's it! You have now created a new email account using Roundcube. You can access your email account by logging in to the Roundcube web interface using the new email account credentials.