Create new drupal 8 module

Here's a step-by-step guide to creating a new Drupal 8 module:

Step 1: Create a new directory for your module

Create a new directory for your module in the modules directory of your Drupal 8 installation. For example, you can create a directory called hello_world.

Step 2: Create the module's main file

Inside the hello_world directory, create a new file called hello_world.module. This file will contain the main code for your module.

Step 3: Define the module's metadata

In the hello_world.module file, add the following code to define the module's metadata:


 * @file
 * Hello World module.

 * Implements hook_module_implements().
function hello_world_module_implements() {
  return array('hello_world');

 * Implements hook_help().
function hello_world_help($route_name, RenderArray $elements) {
  $elements['#markup'] = '<p>Hello, World!</p>';
  return $elements;

This code defines two hooks: hook_module_implements() and hook_help(). The hook_module_implements() hook tells Drupal that this module is implementing the hello_world hook. The hook_help() hook provides help text for the module.

Step 4: Create a file

Create a new file called in the hello_world directory. This file contains metadata about the module, such as its name, description, and version.

Here's an example file:

name = Hello World
description = A simple "Hello, World!" module.
package = Custom
version = 1.0
core = 8.x

Step 5: Enable the module

To enable the module, navigate to the Extend page in your Drupal 8 installation (e.g., and click the "Install" button next to the Hello World module.

Step 6: Test the module

Once the module is enabled, you can test it by visiting the hello_world page (e.g., You should see the help text defined in the hook_help() hook.

That's it! You've created a new Drupal 8 module.

Additional tips